Exam 2 theories hold that certain actions or practices are inherently right or wrong.


Exam 2

Question 1 of 20 5.0
__________ theories hold that certain actions or practices
are inherently right or wrong.

A. Consequentialist

B. Utilitarian

C. Deontological

D. Ethical

Question 2 of 20 5.0
According to the textbook, all of the following are true
about a person’s possible opposition to technological violations of natural
orders EXCEPT:

A. they are sometimes based on concern about long-term
consequences of intervention.

B. they can be based on religious beliefs.

C. they often stem from the longevity of a particular

D. they stem from a lack of education.

Question 3 of 20 5.0
Ethical conflict over cases of cross-border and
multigenerational pollution is an example of a dispute relating to:

A. violations of established world orders.

B. violations of supposedly exceptionless principles.

C. distribution of science- or technology-related benefits.

D. exposure to significant harm without prior consent.

Question 4 of 20 5.0
Sometimes the availability of technological advances causes
individuals to experience conflicts concerning their cherished values. Examples
of these conflicts discussed in your textbook include all of the following

A. the right to the pursuit of happiness.

B. death with dignity.

C. right to privacy.

D. human life preservation.

Question 5 of 20 5.0
A large number of individual acts of negligible adverse
impact can result in substantial harm when considered in total. These outcomes
are referred to as:

A. public harms of aggregation.

B. conflicts between individual and social justice.

C. practitioner problems.

D. problems of “positive” rights.

Question 6 of 20 5.0
_________ arise primarily inside the spheres of science and

A. Science- or technologically-precipitated value conflicts

B. Science- or technology-engendered “positive rights”

C. Practitioner problems

D. Problems of public aggregation

Question 7 of 20 5.0
Ethical problems related to __________ indicate that freedom
of scientific inquiry is not an absolute, unconditional, inviolable right.

A. distributive justices

B. whistle-blowing

C. consideration of long-term effects

D. fraud and misrepresentation

Question 8 of 20 5.0
The text suggests that, ultimately, science- or
technology-related courses of action should be granted ethical approval only

A. the expected benefits of an action outweigh its expected

B. projected outcomes yield at least as large a surplus of
beneficial consequences over harmful consequences as that of any available

C. the action will make everyone better off, and yield the
greatest benefit to those currently in worst positions.

D. the projected harmful consequences are below a set
quantitative threshold and are greatly outweighed by their positive

Question 9 of 20 5.0
Paul Alcorn maintains that the distinction between human and
animal manipulation of the natural environment to create artifacts is:

A. technology.

B. the ethical application of technology.

C. choice.

D. creativity and adaptation.

Question 10 of 20 5.0
According to Paul Alcorn, technology is all of the following

A. a whole collection of methodology and artificial
constructs created by human beings to increase their probability of survival.

B. essentially a means of manipulating natural laws to our
benefit by constructing objects and methodology that increases our efficiency
and reduces waste in our lives.

C. a way to increase our standard of living by generating
more income.

D. is represented by artifacts that are manufactured for
specific use.

Question 11 of 20 5.0
__________ is the resistance to changes in our culture that
extends to any technological device that may come along; because of this
resistance, the passage of time is necessary before a new technology will
filter throughout society.

A. Homeostasis

B. Technophobia

C. Psychological trauma

D. Complexity

Question 12 of 20 5.0
Because of __________ some of the elements of a system
cannot be seen but can affect the operation of a system; this is important
because we must realize that what can’t be seen can still cause harm.

A. complexity

B. dynamics

C. intransparence

D. ignorance and mistaken hypotheses

Question 13 of 20 5.0
According to Tim Healy, the Internet is an example of the
unanticipated consequences of technology because:

A. its impact on human behavior is predictable.

B. the ramifications of its influence are negligible.

C. its influence on all humans throughout the 21st century
is still unknown.

D. its use is not consistent throughout the world.

Question 14 of 20 5.0
Which of the following does Healy conclude about the
unanticipated consequences of technology?

A. Life is not as complex as we like to think it is.

B. Uncertainty cannot be reduced because there is no way to
predict the future.

C. Only significant actions have unanticipated consequences.

D. Short-term and long-term values are often different and

Question 15 of 20 5.0
About __________ of processed food that is produced in the
United States contains some genetically modified ingredients.

A. 62%

B. 33%

C. 75%

D. 44%

Question 16 of 20 5.0
According to your textbook, the first genetically modified
food was produced:

A. 8,000 years ago.

B. in 1994.

C. in 2004.

D. in 2005.

Question 17 of 20 5.0
Which of the following is NOT a risk of genetically modified
foods listed by your textbook?

A. Economic loss by small-scale farmers

B. Economic loss due to longer shelf life of some products

C. Inadvertent death in humans

D. Loss of public trust due to lack of labeling

Question 18 of 20 5.0
Individuals might blow the whistle if they believe:

A. their company is breaking the law.

B. their company is involved in acts that are financially
profitable but morally wrong.

C. the actions of the company are potentially dangerous.

D. All of the above

Question 19 of 20 5.0
Which of the following statements is FALSE?

A. Whistle-blowing often occurs when an individual believes
that decision making by a company or the government may be breaking the law.

B. Ethics codes are often too broad to capture the ethical
issues that confront companies.

C. Ethical behavior inevitably produces an economic cost to
a firm.

D. Whistle-blowers often come from senior positions, since
these are the people who have the most control over or have the most knowledge
about what is occurring within the corporation.

Question 20 of 20 5.0
It is believed that the Challenger explosion could have been
prevented if:

A. the crew inside the Challenger had received more training
prior to the mission.

B. if the management team had ignored Boisjoly.

C. if the seal had leaked.

D. the Challenger was sent into space at warmer




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