Writing -CIS112 Introduction to Computing MS Database


CIS112 Introduction to ComputingMS Database PaperDue: Sunday midnight of Unit 12Write a research paper to address database functionality and their use in the real world. Address thefollowing specifically:General features of a databaseAn overview of the major objects in an Access databaseAt least one database application in your chosen careerThe paper must meet the following requirements:APA style Word document1-2 pages in length excluding the title page and reference pageAt least 2 resources citedRefer to the next page for the grading criteria.Grading RubricCriteriaDatabase FeaturesAccess ObjectsCareer ApplicationDeficientNeeds ImprovementProficient0-19 pointsDoes not addressthe majority of thekey features of adatabase orsignificantly lackingin detail.0-19 pointsDoes not addressthe majority of themajor accessobjects orinadequateexplanationprovided.0-19 pointsDoes not provide acareer applicationor significantlylacking in detail.20-29 pointsAddresses most keyfeatures of adatabase insufficient detail.30 pointsAddresses all keyfeatures of adatabase insufficient detail.20-29 pointsMost major accessobjects areidentified andadequatelyexplained.30 pointsAll major accessobjects areidentified andadequatelyexplained.20-29 pointsAt least one careerapplication providedbut detail is lackingor indicates anunclearunderstanding ofdatabasefunctionality in theworkplace.5-9 points30 pointsAt least one careerapplicationprovided withsufficient detailindicating a clearunderstanding ofdatabasefunctionality in theworkplace.10 pointsInconsistentlydemonstratesproficiency ingrammar and APAmechanics. Mostlyorganized, logicaland clearlyarticulated.Demonstrates ahigh level ofproficiency ingrammar and APAmechanics.Organized, logicaland clearlyarticulated.TOTAL POINTS0-4 pointsGrammar &MechanicsDoes notdemonstrateproficiency ingrammar and APAmechanics. Lacksorganization, logicand clarity.PointsEarned




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