The topic for my research paper is Youth


Running head: TOPIC OF RESEARCH PAPERTopic of Research PaperMichele NugentExcelsior College1TOPIC OF RESEARCH PAPER2Topic of Research PaperThe topic for my research paper is Youth Sport Participation using theories from Brofenbrenner.As stated in our text, for most children, joining community athletic teams is associated withincreased self esteem and social skills. (Berk, p. 296) Youth organized sport participation isextensive and has been shown to be developmentally important for young people. (Dorsch,Smith, & McDonough, 2015) In my research paper, I will be using Bronfenbrenner’s EcologicalTheory, as this is an appropriated model to examine the youngster’s involvement in a sport as adevelopmental process . (Domingues & Goncalves) The person-process-context-time (PPCT)model (Bronfenbrenner, 1999) has been used as a framework to establish links to previous researchconducted in sport psychology and, in particular, youth sport settings. García Bengoechea andJohnson (2001) utilized the PPCT model to explain interactions and outcomes within youth sport.(Strachan, 2008) Using both the ecological theory and the person-process-context model, I willexplore how youth engagement in sports either promote or interfere with development.There are so many aspects of participation in youth sports and the development of children, I aminterested in researching. Youth sports are a major aspect of my life. I have 2 boys, ages 13 and10, both have been involved in sports since the age of 3. In addition, my husband and I havebeen very involved with each of the sports they have played, either coaching, team mom or beingthere for support..TOPIC OF RESEARCH PAPER3ReferencesBerk, L. E. Development through the lifespan (sixth ed., p. 296). New Jersey: Pearson.Domingues, M., & Goncalves, C. Ecological Overview of contrasting Youth Sport Practice.Dorsch, T.E., Smith, A.L., & McDonough, M.H. (2015). Early socialization of parents throughorganized youth sport. Sport, Excerise, and Performance Psychology, 4, 3–18.doi:10.1037/spy0000021Strachan, L.A.T. (2008). An Ecological Approach to examining positive youth development incompetitive sport.




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