Writing -The three short stories are written in an explicit


1) Read the below three short (very short) stories by the great flash fiction author Don Shea and thenfind a common theme to unite them. In other words, is there a concept present in all three tales that heseems to be working with, commenting on, or finding new ways to deal with in each story?2) After you’ve read the stories you will answer the forum question below, writing three paragraphs,explaining how the theme you identified running through all three stories connects them philosophicallyand prove that there is a specific statement the author is making with these three stories. When I say"prove," I mean use textual evidence, quotes from the stories, to prove what you are seeing is present inthe stories. Remember the all-important "So What?" Factor. Don’t just tell me that your themematters; tell me why it matters.Here are the three stories:http://don-shea.com/jumper-down.htmlhttp://don-shea.com/mom-fading-in-character.htmlhttp://don-shea.com/marge-pulls-a-heist.htmlHave fun with these. Shea is a great and clever writer, with a very hard, dark edge. Think deeply and beopen to follow the thoughts of other students




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