Lung disease is often divided into two broad categories


Lung disease is often divided into two broad categories: obstructive disease and restrictive disease. Examples of obstructive disease are emphysema, chronic bronchitis, and asthma. Examples of restrictive disease are abnormalities of the spine and chest and diseases within the lungs that make them less elastic (“stiffer”), such as pulmonary fibrosis. Calculate the FEV1/FVC in the table below for obstructive and restrictive disease and compare to your values. How might these values be helpful diagnostically?Volume (L)Normal (your data)Obstructive diseaseRestrictive diseaseFVC (L)44FEV1(L)1.83.5FEV1/FVC (%)FEV1/FVC : the normal value is 75-80%. Anything below this is considered abnormal.FVC: more than 80% of predicted valueFEV1: more than 80% of predicted valueFEV1% : 70 to 80%




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