Writing -From last week’s session on the EHR, clearly the Electronic


From last week’s session on the EHR, clearly the Electronic Health Record is an important peice of HIT for healthcare delivery.After reading this week’s chapter and reviewing all of the other resources, make a list of other "applications" important to thebusiness of delivering healthcare. Do this activity without the assistance of your text, the Internet or notes.Take a peice of paper and divide it into three columns. In the first column, write the name of the application. While applicationsare normally just peices of software, for this activity the term "application" can be extended to hardware or other systems thatwe use in healthcare delivery. In the center column, write a short sentence about how this application helps in healthcaredelivery. In the third column, rate the application in terms of importance. Give it a score from 1 – 10, 1 meaning the lowestimportance and 10 meaning the greatest of importance. Your list might start out something like this:ApplicationUseImportanceX-RaySee inside the body8IncubatorKeep babies alive9Employee payKeep employees financially compensated and motivated7……Think about your list. Did your mind wander from section to section of healthcare delivery? Was it difficult to develop this list?Did you end up with a long or a short list? Be ready to discuss the items on your list in this week’s discussion.Please DoAfter you have completed the activity, List Some Apps, use this discussion to talk about what you did and what you learned.




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