Business Law-Comment upon, explain and interpret the usefulness


1. Comment upon, explain and interpret the usefulness of the “eyeballing” method in the development of analyses and the subsequent creation of crime maps.2. Define and comment on what the strengths and weaknesses are in the definitions of drug hot spots as operationalized in the Jersey City study.3. What are the ethical considerations you consider important in hot spot analyses and why?4. What social and geographical factors might account for Honduras’ appallingly high homicide rate?5. What role did railroads and other forms of transportation have, historically, for the presence of “mixed use” parcels in urban centers?6. Were the researchers’ expectations, albeit theoretically and data-grounded from prior research, regarding potential CRU effectiveness in Houston, a form of scientific bias, which may have influenced their subsequent conclusions? Why or why not?6. How does the use of “hot spots” analyses inform and shape the study conducted in Houston? Be specific with at least two examples and provide a detailed explanation for each.




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