The decision to drop the atomic bomb was controversial at the time and

The decision to drop the atomic bomb was controversial at the time and has been debated ever since. Describe and analyze the possible positive and negative arguments for dropping the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.



An ideal response will:
1. Discuss the high price already paid in defeating Germany.
2. Analyze the time and the cost in lives and materials that would have been involved in continuing “island hopping” closer and closer to Japan and then conducting a land invasion and occupation.
3. Discuss how the United States interpreted Japanese willingness to continue fighting against all odds.
4. Discuss the alternatives that were considered at the time instead of dropping the bomb on a Japanese city. Discuss the reasons why a second bomb was dropped on Nagasaki so soon after the Hiroshima bombing.
5. Discuss the possible role of the Soviet Union if there had been an invasion of the Japanese mainland and the U.S. analysis of possible outcomes.

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