The post-Civil War period saw hundreds of men looking for work as the

The post-Civil War period saw hundreds of men looking for work as the West developed and the cattle business expanded. This created a larger work pool for a small number of jobs.

Groups looking for employment included whites, African-Americans, Mexicans, and Native Americans. Cattle companies, after hiring mainly white workers, began hiring Mexican cowboys at lower wages. Discuss the response of white cowboys to this practice. Discuss the role of the Panhandle Cattleman’s Association in these events. What was the result for poor men of all colors?


Answer: An ideal answer will:
a. Discuss how and why racism became a factor in employment opportunities for cowboys.
b. Discuss the reasons for and the results of the strike by the white cowboys.
c. Discuss the role and responsibility of both the cattle companies and the Panhandle Cattlemen’s Association in starting and then ending the strike.
d. Discuss what, if any, benefits resulted for any group as a result of the cattle companies and the Panhandle Cattleman’s Association’s actions.
e. Discuss whether this was an isolated event happening only in the West.
f. Provide a concise and effective conclusion.

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