President Polk eventually agreed to establish the permanent border bet

President Polk eventually agreed to establish the permanent border between the Oregon Territory and the Canadian province of British Columbia and Yukon Territory at the 49th parallel for all of the following reasons EXCEPT

A) Polk needed a strong U.S. Army for the war he anticipated having with Mexico and did not want to fight Britain too over the less pressing issue of Oregon.
B) John Calhoun and the southern planter supporters of Polk did not want war or even tensions to interrupt the cotton trade with Britain that was making the South wealthy.
C) the British government also wanted a compromise that would protect the uninterrupted flow of American cotton to British mills and avoid war with the United States.
D) the powerful Senator Thomas Hart Benton of Missouri and the influential House of Representatives member, John Quincy Adams, dropped their insistence that Polk demand a more expansive 54 °40 ´ boundary line for Canada.


Answer: D

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