What was the outcome of the Treaty of Ghent that ended the War of 1812

What was the outcome of the Treaty of Ghent that ended the War of 1812 between the United States and Great Britain?

A) The British agreed to a treaty that essentially returned all borders and issues to the status quo before the war.
B) The British agreed to return all borders and issues to the status quo before the war with an additional provision for a large protected zone to be created for their Indian allies in the Ohio and Indiana territories.
C) The British agreed to a treaty that essentially returned all borders and issues to the status quo before the war with the exception of some land in southern Canada that was ceded to the United States.
D) The British agreed to a treaty that essentially returned all borders and issues to the status quo before the war with the exception of retaining Fort Mackinac and the trading post of Prairie du Chien.


Answer: A

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