One manager argues that Riverdale’s corporate image will suffer if customers receive too many e-mails about its different services and offerings. Which of the following, if true, is the most effective counterargument?
A) Customers can report the e-mails as spam and ensure that they do not receive these service mails in their inboxes in the future.
B) Research shows that customers who opt to receive marketing e-mails rarely complain, even if they are not happy about them.
C) This is a problem that affects all e-mail marketers, not Riverdale alone.
D) Customers can use a ready menu of e-mail selections to opt in and receive only the marketing product information they are interested in.
E) The cost of e-mail marketing is lower than public service advertising.
Answer: D
Explanation: D) The manager’s point is that customers will receive so many e-mails about Riverdale’s diverse product lines that the company’s image will suffer. Choice D offers a solution to the problem—let customers choose which e-mails they want to receive. This gives consumers control and gives Riverdale better information about its customers. Choice A sounds like an argument against using e-mail at all. Choice B supports the original argument that Riverdale’s image will suffer if customers receive too many marketing e-mails. Choice C tends to strengthen the argument, if anything, by saying that the concern is industry-wide. Choice E focuses on factors—cost and an alternative promotional method—that are not relevant.
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