Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the VP of oper


Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the VP of operations’ position?

A) Industry-leading companies tend to target as wide a market as possible.
B) Female professionals are more likely to stay with a known brand for expensive items such as cars.
C) Female professionals tend to have a strongly positive opinion of Snazzy’s current products.
D) Young females consume more energy drinks per person than does the general population.
E) Male professionals often report a lack of energy while at work.



Answer: C
Explanation: C) The VP of operations wants to target female professionals. If those people already have a positive opinion of Snazzy, Choice C, then they would be more likely to try a new Snazzy product. So Choice C strengthens the argument. Choice A: This is about Snazzy, not industry in general. In any case, Choice A works against the notion of targeting. Choice B is irrelevant because energy drinks would not qualify as an “expensive item.” Choice D would be correct if it said “female professionals,” but young females are a different group. Choice E suggests that male professionals might be a good target.

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